Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang


University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is a private university in Malang. University was founded in 1964 on the organization Muhammadiyah berinduk.

UMM is one of the fastest growing universities, so that the PP Muhammadiyah was commissioned as a college coach for the entire PTM (Muhammadiyah University) eastern Indonesia. Programyang programs carefully designed to make UMM as “The Real University”, one that is really in terms of the university as an institution of higher education are always committed to developing Tri Darma University

At present the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) campus occupies three locations, namely at the campus I benduangn bandung, two in college and campus Sumbersari three tegal Gondo. Campus which is the forerunner of the UMM, and now it is concentrated to the graduate program. While the second campus is the center of the first major, concentrating now on the medical school campus and D3 colleges nursing program. While college campuses III as an integrated whole essence serve as a center of activity.
Table of contents

1 Faculties
2 Diploma 3 (D3)
3 Program Degree (S1)
4 The Master (S2)
5 Doctoral Program (S3)
6 Students
7 lecturers and technical staff
8 External links


At the start up, open up some new UMM faculty, the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Law, Economics and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) and the Department of Religious Studies (Branch of the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta FAI). As time goes by and the demands of the times, the UMM has opened other faculties, the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science and Fisheries, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences consists of the D3 and S1 Nursing, Pharmacy and Graduate Program each of which expands several directions.
Program Diploma 3 (D3)


UMM Ranking 20 Besar Webometric

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MALANG – University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), again achievement at the global level. UMM successfully penetrated 20 ranking Webomatrics, a world ranking of universities based on the popularity of the Internet survey and the top five for the Private Higher Education (PTS).

This statement was made Head of Public Relations UMM, Nasrullah in a release received by Reuters, last weekend. In addition, the national accreditation through BAN PT, UMM also still need a ‘second opinion’ from another party in a more objective and international class.

“Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education (MONE DG) has facilitated several potential colleges, including UMM, to be assessed directly by the international accreditation institutions, QS Star, based in London, England,” said Nasrullah.

Furthermore, Nasrullah said that, as an international accreditation agency, QS Star has a global reputation in the world ranking of universities. QS Star assessment results realized by awarding awarding star status as the star on the prevailing international hotel.

Year 2010 was the first time that as many as 28 universities in Indonesia are included in the QS rankings Star. But none of the universities in Indonesia are reaching predicate Star, let alone four stars.

“The University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is one of the college’s predicate Star. In East Java, UMM is the only private university who won Star, in addition to Airlangga, ITS and UB,” he said.


Sejarah Internet dan Perkembangan Internet

Sejarah dari adanya intenet dimulai pada tahun 1969 ketika itu Departemen Pertahanan Amerika, U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) memutuskan untuk mengadakan riset tentang bagaimana cara menghubungkan sejumlah komputer sehingga membentuk jaringan organik.

Program riset ini dikenal dengan nama ARPANET. Pada 1970, sudah lebih dari 10 komputer yang berhasil dihubungkan satu sama lain sehingga mereka bisa saling berkomunikasi dan membentuk sebuah jaringan.

sejarah internet Sejarah Internet

Tahun 1972, Roy Tomlinson berhasil menyempurnakan program e-mail yang ia ciptakan setahun yang lalu untuk ARPANET. Program e-mail ini begitu mudah sehingga langsung menjadi populer. Pada tahun yang sama, icon @juga diperkenalkan sebagai lambang penting yang menunjukkan “at” atau “pada”. Tahun 1973, jaringan komputer ARPANET mulai dikembangkan ke luar Amerika Serikat. LANJUTKAN

Pengertian Ilmu Pengetahuan

Dalam pengertian lain, pengetahuan adalah berbagai gejala yang ditemui dan diperoleh manusia melalui pengamatan inderawi. Pengetahuan muncul ketika seseorang menggunakan indera atau akal budinya untuk mengenali benda atau kejadian tertentu yang belum pernah dilihat atau dirasakan sebelumnya. Misalnya ketika seseorang mencicipi masakan yang baru dikenalnya, ia akan mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang bentuk, rasa, dan aroma masakan tersebut.Pengetahuan yang lebih menekankan pengamatan dan pengalaman inderawi dikenal sebagai pengetahuan empiris atau pengetahuan aposteriori. Pengetahuan ini bisa didapatkan dengan melakukan pengamatan dan observasi yang dilakukan secara empiris dan rasional. Pengetahuan empiris tersebut juga dapat berkembang menjadi pengetahuan deskriptif bila seseorang dapat melukiskan dan menggambarkan segala ciri, sifat, dan gejala yang ada pada objek empiris tersebut. Pengetahuan empiris juga bisa didapatkan melalui pengalaman pribadi manusia yang terjadi berulangkali. Misalnya, seseorang yang sering dipilih untuk memimpin organisasi dengan sendirinya akan mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang manajemen organisasi.
